Words of Hope & Encouragement….

By Dr. Linda Dakwar, Psychologist, New Hope Mental Health, LLC

Are you overwhelmed with the unpredictability and changes in your life since the Coronavirus pandemic? You’re not alone! These are unprecedented times of uncertainty that naturally provoke stress. Like the rest of the world, your life may not resemble anything familiar. Everything has changed. Change can also be stressful because of its uncertainties. All facets of life are affected by these changes, including family, work, friends, and faith.

Stress, worry, and fear are normal feelings when you have these experiences. It’s what makes us human. Feelings are normal and healthy expressions of what we experience in life. It’s important to acknowledge them. However, how we respond to those feelings determine healthy living.

Consider these responses:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Romans 15:13

Disclaimer: This document came from New Hope Mental Health, LLC blog page. The purpose of this blog is for information and educational purposes and not intended to assess, diagnose, or treat any mental health condition. The use of this website does not imply or establish any form of therapist-client relationship. It is not to take the place of therapy or counseling. Information obtained from this site is not intended to address any specific personal situation. If you would like to discuss how any information is relevant to you, please contact New Hope to schedule an appointment. This site may include links to other websites and resources and should be used for information and reference purposes only.